

I’m a software developer and botanist working in Western Australia.

My main interests are web development, data management, decentralised computing, plant taxonomy and phylogenetics, and ethnobotany; spatial ecology, and photography. In my professional life, I specialise in the use of open source and web-based technologies for GIS and botanical data management and analysis. I like walking around in the bush, and looking at the plants, rocks, and animals that I find; I am continually fascinated by the ways that nature solves problems, and always re-enlivened by time in wild places.

When I’m indoors, I’m usually writing something in JavaScript or Python, playing with novel data analysis or visualisation methods, or editing photos from my last adventure. Otherwise, I’ll be somewhere out bush. My principle area of botanical expertise is Western Australia, where I have experience in the Pilbara, Midwest (Murchison), Goldfields, and Nullarbor/Great Victoria Desert regions. I’ve also done some work in Lombok, Indonesia.